· Write down you TeamViewer id somewhere so we will check later on it
Uninstall TeamViewer
Click Start then type %appdata%
– now delete the TeamViewer folder
Click Start the type %temp%
and delete the contents of this folder as well as the
Click Start then type regedit,
delete the registry folder at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TeamViewer & HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer
if any
· Search every key
related to TeamViewer with the help of search (F3) again and again until all
the registry keys deleted.
Now change your MAC
address, either manually or with a tool like TMAC [I suggest changing the MAC
address on both network connections, i.e. wireless and LAN]
Restart you pc and install
TeamViewer again. You will see your iD is changed
wow this really works